Friday, March 16, 2012

New Blog!

I created a blog about Bento style cuisine. I adore Bento and decided to get back on the ball with this blog by creating another one. My mission is to start regularly updating both, with a third deal blog on the way!


I totally became very busy after the kids left for the summer. We spent a month in Alaska, which was incredible!! We then spent a month in South Carolina, where I had the pleasure of meeting my husband's entire extended family for the first time (this happens when you don't have a traditional wedding...). They are incredible, and I feel very fortunate to be the newest member of their family!
WE had my son here for Christmas, which was incredible! I think I have had him every Christmas his whole life. His dad is usually really busy with the restaurant around the holidays, and so we exchanged Thanksgiving and Spring Break for a solid month over Christmas, which helps me out because it is a longer period of time and fewer transportation costs.
We then spent a month in Colorado. I got to see one of my best friends that I hadn't seen in ten years, and we ended up in a commercial for the  Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center, which is AMAZING!!! If you are ever nearby, go. Visit. Say hi to the wolves for us!!
Anyway, then we got back here and I was months behind on everything. I am pretty good at balancing our daily life and our travels, but when things are behind, they are behind. As of this week, I am finally all caught up. Except for my blog. Which is where I finally decided to head tonight!